February 13, 2019

Bill Blalock



“Creating organizations that value a growth mindset can create contexts in which more people grow into the knowledgeable, visionary, and responsible leaders we need.”… Carol S. Dweck

Being a visionary leader means that you’ve got a clear understanding of your industry – where it is right now and where it’s headed. This knowledge is at the core of every business vision. You must have a clear understanding of current operations and incorporate new knowledge and processes to improve future results.

  1. Listen to others point of view and question your thinking. It is only when you listen to others inside and outside of your organization that you develop new ways of thinking. New products and innovation will be the result.
  2. Your time is valuable. Use it effectively to gain new knowledge, expertise and a fresh perspective. Cultivate relationships with other professionals in your field, product or service offering. Your contacts will help you in your ultimate destination.
  3. Connect the dots! Bring together concepts, ideas and theories to create a new solution, product or service. Remember, your ideas must always be relevant, and value added. Test your hypothesis in a world of new ideas
  4. Be highly focused mentally. Think about alternative approaches to how things are done in your organization. No innovation happens without breakthrough thinking. Quite moments give pause to creative new approaches to finding new solutions.
  5. Test your vision with others and get constructive feedback. Make adjustments as necessary. Is your solution a short term fix or a long-term process of change in your organization? Those who “catch your vision”, employ them as early adapters and colleagues to promote your agenda for change. Negative feedback is always positive! Why, it serves to surface gaps in your approach and process and leads to refining the change process, so it is embraced by all. Complainers can become your greatest advocates once you manage to convince them.
  6. Communication is key! Be confident and courageous as you communicate your vision in a concise and simple way. Believe in yourself and deliver your message with enthusiasm and energy. It will be appealing, and people will want to “be on board” with the changes.
  7. Ask you self and others, “Why not?” Company’s never grow when you use the same process and get the same results along with little growth and development of your leadership team. You usually have more to gain when you incorporate a fresh new vision for your company or organization.

Creating a vision for a business or organization is challenging as it takes an in-depth understanding of the business, and crystal-clear communication to help others see the benefits of the vision.

Now it’s time to lead!