January 15, 2020

Bill Blalock



“We are the creative force of our life, and through our own decisions rather than our conditions, if we carefully learn to do certain things, we can accomplish those goals.”…Stephen Covey

Mindfulness means that you are conscious and aware, focused on the present moment, and able to calmly observe and accept all your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. Mindfulness means you’re able to pause, reflect, and listen to your inner wisdom. Mindfulness means that you can focus on the relevant information, know when to cut your lossesstay aware of your biases, and check your ego. Research shows that mindfulness benefits decision-making.

Here are some tips on how to be mindful as you make important decisions and determine what’s best for you.

Take Your Time

Mindfulness means taking your time. Take the time you need to reflect on your priorities, your goals, and your values. Let the options percolate in your mind as you take stock of your strengths and talents, as well as your true interests and desires. Slow, deliberate reflection can grant you clarity.

Decisions Are Hard

Instead of wishing a big decision were easier, honor the fact that it’s not, nor should it be. Embrace the thoughts and feelings you have as a testament to the significance of your decision. Having the confidence to trust yourself is a task on its own, but once you have more confidence in yourself, you may feel better about making big decisions in the future. Don’t be afraid to trust yourself.

Integrity Counts

This means being true to your authentic self, your priorities, and your values. If an option requires that you compromise your ethics, downplay your priorities, or go against your nature, this is a red flag. Only consider options that are aligned with what’s truly important to you.

Reduce Your Stress

Reducing the stress in your life is good for your physical health and mental health, both of which are keys to living a contented, fulfilling life. Focus on reducing your stress through meditation, listening to calming music or just take a long walk and breathe in your surroundings.

Understand There Are Options

There may be times when you reach a fork in the road and all paths look equally appealing, with balanced pros and cons. When multiple options are “right,” but you’re forced to choose just one, you may feel angst contemplating “the path not taken.” But this angst doesn’t indicate the potential for a bad decision. It just means you’re lucky enough to be surrounded by viable options. Your gut can give you the extra clarity you seek.

Focus on Being, Not Doing.

What you do is not as important as who you are. Strive to be trustworthy, responsible, and kind, and you will attract people with the same stripes.

Likewise, what you do isn’t as important as who you do it with.

Seek Wise Counsel

It can be immensely helpful to hear other people reflect on the choices they’ve made. Doing so can help you mindfully reflect on your options, and others’ insights may lend clarity to the choices you face. Listening to and reading about others’ decisions can make you feel less alone in your struggles. Asking for advice is helpful but make your own decision!

It’s A Process.

Whatever you decide to do, it’s impossible for you to make a wrong decision. Even if you have regrets with hindsight, you can learn extremely valuable lessons from mistakes and failures—lessons that can lead you down a path of even greater fulfillment.

How are you doing in your decision-making process?